The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies

14-Altar, Ambo and Celebrant Chair

The Auspice Maria symbol (A/M "under the protection of Mary") was adopted as our parish monogram and motto a few years ago by Fr Wilbert Chin Jon. You will also find it in the stained glass window on the clasp of Mary's vestiture.
As we were unpacking the marble from the storage containers we discovered the beautiful AM centre piece. The restoration artist decided that it had to be our altar centre piece due to the Marian designation of our shrine church. It is also a sign that it from Mary that we receive Jesus, for she is the New Ark of the Covenant from which came the True Manna, the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, present in the Most Holy Eucharist.
Our artist, Josef Rubenstien, custom built the ambo and altar from the marble inventory, using similar styles of marble and colour finishing to remind us of the intimate connection between the proclamation of the Word and celebration of the Eucharist at each and every Mass.
The celebrant chair was chosen to match our pews and built by the same company.
Prayer Before an Altar
O God, who hast taught us the beauty of order in Thy universe,
give us a constant sense
of that perfection,
and a reminder that work is prayer if done for Thee;
that we may approach Thy Altars with humility
and with a deep sense
of our high calling in Thy service. For Thy sake we ask it.