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Pro-Life Ministry


Pro-Life Ministry is a group of parishoners that advocate for the sanctity of human life. It rejects the anti-life philosophy that offers death as a solution to human suffering. We meet once a month a group, invite guest speakers, have movie nights, celebrate international pro-life events, bake sales and collect donations in the form of items for the expecting Mothers to be distributed to the Calgary chapter of Elizabeth House- a transitional home that serves as a sanctuary and community for pregnant women and mothers experiencing housing instability. All are welcome.



Lectors proclaim the word of God.  It is an ancient and honoured ministry in the Church.  From the very beginning, Christians have gathered together to hear the word of God, and, from the very beginning, there have been individuals entrusted with the task of reading the word. The Church values Scripture as central to Her life.

Sign up to be a lector for a mass.



Ushers and Greeters welcome and assist parishioners and visitors to our Sunday Worship.  Ushers are also the ones who pass around the collection basket in Church.  The ministry of ushering is one of the most visible in the Church, where unconditional love is extended to others.  Since our Parish is a tourist destination, it is so important to make visitors feel welcomed to share in our universal celebration.

Music Ministry


If you love music, like to sing, play an instrument, enjoy fun and fellowship, consider joining one of our choirs.  Our music ministry is for adults and youth who enjoy singing or can play a musical instrument to help enrich our celebrations.  We are always looking for more voices and instrumentalists to join our existing choirs, so please don’t hesitate to speak with members of the choir after mass.

Extraordinary Minister of Communion


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion serve the Eucharistic life of the community. They are acknowledged by the bishop at the request of the Pastor to assist the celebrant and other Ordinary Ministers during liturgy in sharing the Eucharistic body and blood of Christ. They are commissioned by the Pastor or his delegate. The commissioning should take place in the presence of the community during mass.

Altar Servers


Assisting the priest in the sanctuary during Mass by presenting or arranging vessels and other items used in the celebrations.  As members of the assembly who are often visible to all, the Altar Servers also model good liturgical participation.

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