4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rejoice and be glad!
Tuesday, January 31, 6:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Fabian Fernando
Mass intention by John Fernando
Wednesday, February 1, 12:15 pm Mass
For the intentions of Bishop McGrattan and
the priests of the Diocese
Mass intention by the Simoes family
Thursday, February 2, 12:15 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Marlito Gene Licudine
Mass intention by Marimon Licudine
Friday, February 3, 8:30 am Mass
For the repose of the soul of Janet Davis
Mass intention by Brian West
Saturday, February 4, 9:30 am Mass
For the intentions of Alexander and Daniel Bartley
Mass intention by Marta Bartley
Saturday, February 4, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the souls of the Dante Family
Mass intention by Philomena Dante
Sunday, February 5, 9:30 am Mass
For the intentions of Norma Bartley
Mass Intention by Marta & Bob Bartley
Sunday, February 5, 11:30 am Mass
For the intentions of the people
Sunday, February 5, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Romano Terra
Mass intention by Carmela Polinelli