The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies
Meditation on Consoling the Heart of Jesus
Giving ourselves to Jesus
Imagine yourself sitting besides Jesus near the campfire after a long day of walking through the desert following him. You pray:
Lord, here I am. I don't know exactly why you're so full of sorrow, but I'm here to console you. Jesus I'm very weak. I don't have much to offer. In fact, too often I've been distant as I've followed you -- and yet -- behold, here I am, Lord. Take me and use me as you desire. Use me to make you known and loved, weak though I am. Help me to love you. Jesus, I see how gentle you are, and I trust you. I know that you know me better than I know myself. You know what I can take. I put myself completely into your hands. Use me to help you, weak though I am. You may be able to do much with me ... the again, I've seen you work miracles before. Do with me what you can. Behold, I believe! Help my unbelief! I trust in you!
Lord, my one desire is to console you. I trust in you to use me. Mary, I put myself into your hands. Help me. Teach me to console Jesus.
Lord, if I have any desire other than to console you, please change my desire. I go from here, Lord, with you in my heart. I love you, I praise you, and I thank you for whatever you do with my life. All is your grace. I love you, Lord Jesus, with the heart of your mother. I love You! I praise You! I thank You! I love YOU!