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September 2022

Meeting Minutes for September 2022


Attendees:  Fr. Pilmaiken, David Curry, Peter Perren, Val Heath, Jane McEachern, Serge Ouimette, Vijay Domingo


Opening  Prayer  Valerie – pray to St. Joseph


 Previous Minutes – no previous minutes as last meeting we viewed Bridge of Roses


Finance Report – Fr. updates - 2 extra installments payments approx.  on made on building mtg, in addition to 3000k  monthly,  2.7% int on 8 million another 150k expected soon to be made, we are doing well


Pastor’s Report Update - Fr. Pilmaiken  things going well last 4 months, installation with Bishop formally completed

Confraternity of the Holy Rosary – our Lady of the Cape came for second time, Fr. spoke with Dennis and Angelina, they suggested that a Confraternity of the Holy Rosary be started here to connect us with other shrines, Fr. working on the paperwork it is coming!


Altar Servers – set up adult group to supplement youth altar servers,  started with some men of the parish for now as we only have cassocks/surplice that properly fit men


Knights of Columbus – Deacon Brian and Chris Yee have organized a Sept 28th  membership and meal for $20 hoping to get a good turnout and start that program, exciting to think it is coming back.

Oktoberfest  - Grill to cook  sausages required, Gunnar and Karen will run it if  grill can be located (Dave to look into it with his Calgary contacts)  Oct 22nd likely date, to be confirmed. Ticket prices $15.00 to $20.00..  Discussion about  commercial kitchen prep course needed to be completed.  Book course through Alta Health, what does our permit allow?  Dave will look into the Alta Health course;  BBQ outside with tent maybe  used if kitchen can only be used for warming food.


Church Signage - outside signage to get out on the proper roadwayto return the same way you got in,  Fr. noted that he ended  up going west instead of east on one occasion  inside signage - meeting rooms need to name them appropriately after Our Lady, ie Fatima, Lourdes etc on the various doors in the Narthex, will suggest names to be decided by PPC


St Vincent de Paul under way


Stewardship Drive - Jane McEachern, David Curry – pamphlet prepared for parishioners to fill out for weekend masses to complete during Mass and drop out when they leave and take an info sheet home to learn about the ministries


Church Pamphlets - David Curry – OLR pamphlet in the works

Visitor Book – David Curry plans to set up a visitor book at the back of Church, leather bound binder with pages to sign in, Dave working on templates and will circulate to PPC for approval


Prolife – Val Heath wants to establish more of a presence in our Parish, pray the Rosary, Masses for pro-life, Hike for Life sponsorship

Having a Pro-life Ministry Val has prepared some background info re the Back Porch a house in Edmonton near to an abortion clinic, there are many other Pro-Life Ministries to support

The Back Porch from Edmonton is expanding to Calgary. They now own the house 2 doors down from the Morgantaler Abortion Center in Calgary. Their plan is to use the house as a Prolife Community Hub which will offer programming for individuals, groups and the community at large. They will be hosting an Open House at this new Ministry called "Life House" in early October.

Jane pointed out Pro life should cover Palliative Care as well beginning of life


Formed Nights – Val willing to have movie nights using FORMED resources look for further announcements, Fr. to promote it


Christmas Party  - will we be having a Parish Xmas party?  For staff? For parishioners?  Where are we going to get the volunteers.  Fr hopes to continue with Xmas Novena masses – breakfast to go last year, breakfast in the hall this year


Closing Prayer -  Fr. led a prayer

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