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February 2022

Prayer: Karl Wahl started our meeting with an indigenous prayer.

Old Business:


· St. Joseph Consecration by Fr. Galloway, February 16th with nine participants, some from Red Deer and Calgary attending virtually online.

· St. Teresa of Avila course on second week with nine participants as well. No online attendees.


· Paper bulletins resumed this month. Printed about 50 copies, available bi-weekly or as needed on the tables in the narthex. Fr. Nathan announced they are available after masses. Parishioners have expressed their appreciation.

Pastor’s Report:

· Thanked the seven visitors who came to this open meeting of the Parish Council. Expressed the hope that they will continue to come and get involved.

· The First Communion classes have begun with the celebration planned for Corpus Christie. If restrictions are lifted, all the children will get their communion at the same celebration. A party in the hall would also be a possibility.

· A Corpus Christie procession around the Shrine is planned as well.

· We have three weddings this month.

· Step 1 of lifting the COVID restrictions has allowed no attendance limits. We had 101 attendees at Sunday’s 9:30 am mass, 151 at the 11:30 am mass and 80 at the 5:00 pm mass. A total of 332.

· By March 1st, Step 2 may be implemented if the cases are decreasing instead of increasing.

· The applications for Administrative Assistant will close this weekend. Interviews will begin next week. The Diocese is keeping Fr. Nathan informed of the process.

· Lent begins with Ash Wednesday masses at 9:30 am, 12:15 pm and 6:00 pm

· Additional Lenten Devotions will include Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm with themes. On Friday evenings during the Lenten Season, we have Stations of the Cross, also at 7:00 pm.

New Business

Procedures Manual

· Dave has written a procedures manual for the Parish Council. He has clearly defined our role based on the Diocese instructions.

Finance Committee

· Jane McEachern gave the report from the Finance Committee.

· A letter was given out with the tax receipts.

Consecration to Mary

· Diocese has responded with a plan to have a special reconsecration mass in June to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

· Fr. Nathan is in touch with Lady of Cape who plan to visit the Shrine this summer

Sunday Adoration

· Fr. Nathan plans to begin Sunday Adorations at 3:00 pm, starting March 20th

· Diocese suggests live streams in June or July


· Our group presently consists of Wedding Attendants and Shrine Tour Directors. We will need Event Attendants and people to host visitors for a couple of hours on weekends.

· Dave suggests that we make a presentation to the Knights of Columbus and other parishes to get their members to help with hospitality at special events.

Saint Vincent de Paul

· A meeting is planned to take over the SVDP from the OL of the Snows teachers. We will discuss what our parish focus will be and how to recruit new people. Jane McEachern has served on SVDP in another parish and can help us move forward.

· We discussed getting the SVDP donation box out of storage to encourage parishioners to give.

Prayer: Fr. Nathan gave prayer and explanation on the Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order

Next meeting: Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:00 pm

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