4th Sunday of Easter
The Stone Rejected Becomes the Cornerstone
Tuesday, April 23, 5:00 pm Mass
For the Intentions of Magdalena Agir
Mass intentions by Grace Galang
Wednesday, April 24, 12:15 pm Mass
For the Intentions of Marilyn Mayer
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Thursday, April 25, 11:15 am Mass
For the Intentions of Mary Coombs
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Friday, April 26, 12:15 pm Mass
For the Intentions of Francis & Chastity McLaughlin
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Saturday, April 27, 9:30 pm Mass
For the intention of the End of Abortion
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Saturday, April 27, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Jean Pierre & Georgette Bourgon
Mass intentions by Josee Bourgon
Sunday, April 28, 9:30 am Mass
For the intentions of Julien Guillermo
Mass intentions by the Elmer Guillermo
Sunday, April 28, 11:30 am Mass
For the repose of the soul of Angelique & Francis Molboeuf
Mass intentions by Josee Bourgon
Sunday, April 28, 5:00 pm Mass
For the intentions of the people