The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Praise the Lord, O my soul!
Tuesday, Sept 10, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Magdalena Agir
Mass intentions by Grace Galang
Wednesday, Sept 11, 12:15 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Ted Parsons
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Thursday, Sept 12, 12:15 pm Mass
For the intentions of Wendy Parsons
Mass intentions by Val & Dale Heath
Friday, Sept 13, 8:30 am Mass
For the intentions of Aure Marie Montealto
Mass intentions by Aure Montealto
Saturday, Sept 14, 5:00 pm Mass
For the repose of the soul of Kent Robinson
Mass intentions by Linda Walsch
Sunday, Sept 15, 9:30 am Mass
Thanksgiving for the Sanosa Family
Mass intentions by Novy Sanosa
Sunday, Sept 15, 11:30 am Mass
For the repose of the soul of Dan Wester
Mass intentions by the Stan & Joan Poplawski
Sunday, Sept 15, 5:00 pm Mass
For the intentions of the people