The Shrine Church of
Our Lady of the Rockies

Job Opportunities
Job positions presently available at the Shrine Church.

Administrative Assistant
Documents required as part of the application process include:
A completed application form - Download here:
A cover letter and resume
Three (3) reference checks (will only be contacted if you are selected as our final candidate)
Agreement to the Model Code of Conduct
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to: No phone calls please.
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found. Only applicants who are short-listed for an interview will be contacted directly by our office. We thank in advance all applicants for their interest.

We are a parish community united in Faith, Hope and Charity, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, dedicated to Mary, Mother of God, where pilgrims and community members come together for Formation, Worship and Evangelization for the greater glory of God.